Woooosh. I am not sure if I am going to be able to but I am going to try my best. Since last year, when I moved to NYC my skin has been a hot mess and not hot in a cute way, I mean in a very crazy way. I think that the combination of everything has made a huge impact on my life and how I react to things specially my body and skin since they have been the one that have suffered the most. Remember my post about Lifestyle Detox? this is Part II.
Lifestyle Detox
Being stressed all the time (I just can't help it) running around everywhere and not having time at all have been the 3 major things that are affecting my lifestyle. While I don't feel super bad I am not feeling at my greatest since I am tired all day since I wake up, I don't have enough energy (even tho I do everything I want) but it would be nicer to do everything with energy. I'm gonna make these changes...
How to have a better day
We all have bad days, is inevitable but what is not, is how we deal with these days. I don't suggest that you embrace it and cry out all day, but I do believe sometimes a good hour of crying helps. But you know what helps the most? ... Keep reading to find out!
Polo fashion and style
Polo. What a nice posh sport. I love men from Argentina, so of course I love Polo.
I remember I got invited once to Polo in the Park in the UK (too bad I wasn't able to actually fly there so I had to miss it) and then got invited to a Polo match in NYC but I had to work that day and I was being a super responsible young adult (we need to save here in the city lol). And last Saturday was the Veuve Cliquot #VCPoloClassic , yeah I needed to hashtag is just so millennial I couldn't hold myself. So in honor to that glorious and so English sport I have to share my favorite outfits.