Femme Fatale, the meaning of that, at least for me is super red matte lips with lots of mascara. There is nothing more powerful than a bold red lipstick on a woman, okay there is, confidence but if you are struggling to get there add some color to yourself and girl, fake it till' you make it. 
That is one of the most clever sayings EVER, I know a lot of people will be like don't fake it cause you have to feel it and this is the first step to start to feel confident. I sometimes wasn't very outgoing so I told myself, okay FAKE IT, embrace yourself think as a strong outgoing person would think and now I am here today. I faked it and I made it. There is no special meaning on this post more than WEAR a bold red lip to feel strong, but that little "advice" might have been good for some of you :). 

Chanel Mascara / Lady Danger MAC lipstick 

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