Secret Garden- Versailles !
This is one of my favorite videos of all times! It was recorded 8 months ago in Versailles... I remember my teacher gave us a look on this video 2 days before we were going to the Palace to go and be tourists. I loved the Versailles Palace, it was magical to realize that there Marie Antoinette walked, talked and who knows what she did there! It was so big and I recommend if you are going there to be at least 1 full week to see all the amazing things Versailles has to offer. Back to the video was shot for Christian Dior and this is the long version!
Be swimsuit READY!
So so so, one of my new year resolutions, and I bet this one is 90% of people's resolution is to loose weight. This days since it was my birthday, reunited with friends for the new year and stuff, I haven't been able to really concentrate on this. That's why I am going to share with you some of my diet or actually my eating and being healthy habits are going to be about.
My beloved!
The whole reason why started to write it was because I was so focused on buying shoes and I just wanted to only write about them! But with the days I just become more and more into fashion so I post about everything, but I will never forget that shoes are a BIG part of my life! And I just fell in love with those in the upper picture! aren't those FABULOUS!?