I am a serious addict of this bag and I cannot wait to own one and have one in my hands. Since I am off to Paris I am planning of really thinking about getting one but maybe it is too much.
A friend told me it was $500 USD! Do you guys know how much is it or where can I buy one on sale hahaha I am just in love with this bag!!!! There is nothing that can say more Classy than Chanel!
Agree! Nice blog by the way, followed you on bloglovin, maybe follow me back?
Te cuanto que no cuesta $500 USD ahahah IMPOSIBLE, una Chanel cuesta por lo menos $4.000USD lo se porque he entrado a la tienda para saber cuanto costaban y casi me cai de poto, por suerte tengo un contacto de China que vende carteras de marca IGUALES IDENTICAS con hasta aveces los mismos materiales, Afortunadamente mi papa viaja para alla siempre y yo vendo estas carteras, me queda una de esas en Azul precioso, esta a $90.000 pesos chilenos, si te interesa me escribes en mi blog !