Today I woke up and didn't see a thing! well, that happens to me always since I have to wear glasses (of course I wear contacts, my face doesn't go with glasses :( ) and my lovely morning inspired me to post an entry all about the eyes... 

When you have a great make up on in your eyes, you get the attention of everybody! You are the one to bee seen with dramatic eye looks. But the casual also gets a lot of attention... when you wear simple, casual and earth tone eye make up you can look absolutely flawless as well as not wearing make up at all but just great eyelashes. 

It is amazing the change of curling your eyelashes! Your eyes look way much more awake and you have this sexy kind of mysterious look that gives you the confidence to go where ever you want! Remember, colors, earth tones or just a simple (very dramatic) smokey eye can give you such a different way of feeling, looking and being!!! 

Enjoy the colors below!