Elegant Vintage Retro Hairstyle!
Happy easter bunny dolls! so lately I've been posting almost any entry ! I know it sucks but it is my schedule lately and I have the feeling is not going to change for a long time now.. But enough worrying about that, now that I am finally ready to post a great entry I want to wish you all a Happy Easter! have a great time with your family and true friends dolls!

But what brings us here is the daily fashion post (almost daily lol ) So I found this cute hairstyle and it is so retro! I just love it... I always wanted to be on the early 70's and now finally the 70's are kicking in! That's why I brought this amazing pony tail half- way up with the bangs pulled a side.
You can rock this hairstyle with almost any outfit because if you are dressed feminine like romantic style, the hairstyle will look absolutely fab ! and then If you dress yourself super sexy or rock style, the hairstyle will give the outfit the statement piece that you need! So it is perfect and I would love to do it with red lips and a hot black eye liner! that way you will look super cool and edgy!

Hope you love this little hairstyle secret ! and don't forget to donate to the Japan Earthquake ! (MORE INFO IN THE SIDEBAR) and also don't forget to be fan of The Style Stash on Facebook (Also in the SIDEBAR)
Blazer Jail Style

The blazer are great combination with shorts, skirts, dresses and pants! actually they go with everything. Every single color is amazing and more amazing would be in a long or over sized blazer!

But the thing is another, lately or the latest trend that is hitting the streets is the combination of stripes with polka dots, I have to say I love them but not adore them! I can live without them lol... but I know a lot of people could not, example? my mom, she loves polka dots.. I mean if there is a shirt that I love and it is super expensie like 200 Dollars... if it has polka dots it is instantly in my closet !!

But today I am talking about stripes! Yes, Stripped Blazers, just like Pixie Lott's ... I absolutely love it and it definetely goes with the outfit. But you always have to remember, you have to be careful! cause when the stripes are the opposite,like side to side... you will look fat! but Pixie's amazing blazer so you definitely want one! or at least similar!

Coachella baby !

I am talking about Coachella because in this event I always see the celebrities wearing such cute, cool. sexy and hippie looks! I adore how the dress for this occasion considering is a super light like no worries weekend!

I have to say how cute Vanessa looks!? I love it! specially the hat and the sunglasses, plus the hat for summer is the must have for the beach and now the 70's are taking off since the bold colors and square, cat-eye and round glasses are coming in !

RafaellaOnline !
Lady Bazaar GaGa !
I am so obsessed with Lady Gaga, or well not obsessed, but I really love how she creates a character... I mean walking in 7 inch or more heels in airport to airport? walking in 6 inch heels during a concert? AND EVEN dancing!? She is so worth of an award! like she is the best woman on earth.. I bet nobody can walk in 7 inch heels or 6 inch heels and dance and sing perfectly in a concert in front of I don't know 200.000 people or more!?

That's why I consider her one of the best woman on earth! she is just an example of fashion couture, and most of all UNIQUE the word being UNIQUE! she is the example of that.. she is just such a creative person!

I adore how she looks in the pictures of Harper's Bazaar! she looks just like her, not trying to be like someone else and just being herself... those garments... are to say Oh GaGá ! lol. The black dress is just a sign of classiness, uniqueness and total trend!

" I am an artist and I have the capacity and the free will to choose the way the world is going to imagine me".
I hope you like it! and I am sorry is not fashion further! but I have a lot of stuff to do right now! and that stuff involves The Style Stash! so stay tunned!
Remember to Like The Style Stash on Facebook, weather you like it in the sidebar here or going to this link : http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Style-Stash/199650900073982
Office Chic
Hey my dolls! well you see I am doing everything I can to writte blogposts everyday and today of course will not be an expection since this weeks is almost freedom for me ! What I really wanted to share with you some tiime ago is the Office look ! I mean it is hard to be suepr fabolous in office wear!
And is more difficult here in Chile since we have almost or none recognized designers! Well I know there are some ... but I've never heard one Chanel from Chile or something like that. Ok that is not the point.... the point is how to look fabolous for less and in Office wear! yes, this entry is for my workers dolls!
So the bags and purses... lately I've been obsessed with bags andeverysingle purse! I love them in bold colors and patterned but of course the one that I love the most are Chanel and LV! A while ago I posted an entry about my favorite bags if you want to check it Click here!
The perfect look :
- A bag with darker trims are so fab, the darker tone makes the whole design stand out that's why you want the bag to contrast with your outfit!
- Super cute trench coat, vibrant colors are the key to a super sexy and luxurious look, but remember don't go too over the top !
- A super sexy but still classy leather pencil skirt! the skirt goes super cool with pointy heels and if you want to make it more classic, wear a black leather pencil skirt, black pointy heels, and a super cute white blouse with your vibrant bag, becuase in every outfit we want some color to pop out!

Hope this worked for my stylish workers! and still if you don't work in an office but want to look suepr classy and elegant... this is a MUST!
Remember to Like The Style Stash on Facebook, weather you like it in the sidebar here or going to this link : http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Style-Stash/199650900073982
And is more difficult here in Chile since we have almost or none recognized designers! Well I know there are some ... but I've never heard one Chanel from Chile or something like that. Ok that is not the point.... the point is how to look fabolous for less and in Office wear! yes, this entry is for my workers dolls!
So the bags and purses... lately I've been obsessed with bags andeverysingle purse! I love them in bold colors and patterned but of course the one that I love the most are Chanel and LV! A while ago I posted an entry about my favorite bags if you want to check it Click here!
The perfect look :
- A bag with darker trims are so fab, the darker tone makes the whole design stand out that's why you want the bag to contrast with your outfit!
- Super cute trench coat, vibrant colors are the key to a super sexy and luxurious look, but remember don't go too over the top !
- A super sexy but still classy leather pencil skirt! the skirt goes super cool with pointy heels and if you want to make it more classic, wear a black leather pencil skirt, black pointy heels, and a super cute white blouse with your vibrant bag, becuase in every outfit we want some color to pop out!
At Kohl's : $78.00
At Bloomingdale's : $108.50 (SALE)

At Zappos: $48.30 (SALE)
Remember to Like The Style Stash on Facebook, weather you like it in the sidebar here or going to this link : http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Style-Stash/199650900073982
Let's Be UNIQUE!
Lately I've been wanting lots of stuff, I mean if you have seen my twitter you will see I've been shopping every weekend one month ago.. and today was no exception at all. So yesterday I was going through some fashion catalogs and then I found one of boots... as I always said before I adore shoes and every time I get the chance to buy a new pair I do it instantly !

So I saw these amazing boots like Military Style that I absolutely LOVE! and they were in brown and black... since I have already 2 brown pair of boots I decided I was going for the black pair ones.. and then I get to the store... IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO WALK! everything was all over the place, there were girls in every single corner of the store and it was an absolutely CHAOS!
Then I saw the amazing boots that already caught my eyes before and ask for a pair to the seller... well what I immediately looked and noticed? EVERY SINGLE girl was trying on that pair of boots or super similar ones.. then I get to see more and every single teen, old, adult, average woman is trying to look for a pair of military boots in brown or black!
Where I am going now? I hate people not being unique.. I mean fashion is all about style and being yourself... but you are def not yourself if there are like 893742039482034 girls with the same boots and pants and maybe tops! so I instantly told the seller I wouldn't buy any of that stuff since I hate to look like everyone else...

What I Am talking about!? Please let's be unique, let's create fashion, let's create ourselves, be joyful, be creative, be fun, be stylish ! The only thing we have to do is just to change some things! I mean, if you want that pair of boots that every girl in your school has... just do a little change in your outfit! I bet no girl with those military boots would try on a super fancy elegant dress... that's why I would.. because fashion for me is all about STAND OUT!
By the way! don't forget I just created a Facebook Fan Page! Click the button like and you will get the latest scoop on what I am doing for or in The Style Stash ! You can enter the Facebook Fan Page here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Style-Stash/199650900073982
And you can also click the button like in the left side bar !
Enjoy the rest of your weekend dolls!

RafaellaOnline !
New Facebook Fan Page!
Ok, I know I haven't post a thing this entire week! and I am so sad about that! I almost don't have any time!!!!! But I hoep this week the things change a little ! and I am going to try my best to at least post 4 entries a week! I assure you I will try my best !
Well this is not the thing I want to say... I just want to let you know guys that now I have a facebook fan page where you can Like The Style Stash! and it is super easy.. I mean.. we all have facebook! hahahah The only thing you have to do is to click on the left side bar in the button Like ! and then we are all done! you will egt the latest scoop on what I am doing for The Style Stash !
Rooompers! just rompers bumpers jumpers ROMPERS!

Well the titles says it all.. well not exactly cause it says so much stuff , but the thing is Rompers! thisisa tricky garment! so tricky snicky ! Because! taller people like me look so much prettier in long rompers! and shorter people long rompers are just a MUST NOT! so the short ones really make their legs miles long! and for taller the larger romper makes teh exact same thing!

The thing I have is... I love short rompers ( even tho I have much more larger body than legs) it sounds weird like I am some of an alien kind.. but it is just a type of body... I mean I have shorter legs but I am still tall... Well I love short rompers but they really never fit me! and lately I've been inlvoe with longer rompers but I feel kind of weird wearing them :/! Plus teh longer rompers make you look super elegant!
Some pics to share !
