I know, I know, I know, I adore and love everything that I put on my blog! it is just, I can't get the imagination to writte something about things I hate... of course there are some thing that I don't love as much as others but.. eveyrthing in my blog is what I extremely like lol !

And today shouldn't be an expection, htat's why I am writting about Studds, I am pretty sure I wrotte them before but I am not 100% sure! and I can't find it with so many entries and funny names! hahahaha. Well lately I've been posting lots of things for summer since almost the half of the world is going to be in summer like in 2 months! and so little people LIKE ME are entering winter in 2 months :(! Well I don't knwo why the sad face because I love winter, but I am kinda missing summer already! and the days have been up and down, like one day is pure sun and a hot that you can't even get out of your house, and some days that there is sun and a temperature of almost 10ºC !!!

So saying no more random stuff, I am going to say, I found the perfect solution! so I love studds! and I adore shorts, so this is why this entry is the perfect combination for me! And well.... in the malls they are not selling that much shorts lately since we are going to be in winter very soon ! I just found out I messed all the seasons! Well Winter and fall is coming veyr quickly and for the half of the world spring and/or summer is getting closer too! Now said that... I mentioned I found the perfect combination, but is not all about studds and shorts! Also the panties!
And I am not talking about underwear! I am talking about amazing thights that you can wear underneath your amazing studded shorts! The pictures I will be showing maybe have some skirts... but consider de main idea with the shorts!
Isn't this the perfect combination? if it is too cold to go outside wear some amazing lace panties with your studded shorts and you will look absolutely fab! PLUS you will be warm enough to walk around the streets with confidence!
You will not have to say in front of your closet... "...Oh, it is too cold outside to wear my shorts :(.." Now you have the perfect excuse to look super edgy and rocky and feel warm to walk in these crazy days lately!
Hope you Love IT!
RafaellaOnline ! Remember to follow the blog please :)!
i love those dark shorts with studs on the top. Where can i purchase them? :)