New MUST have!

Now heaidng back to bussiness, I just found the perfect thing! As I always said.. I love being unique and myself.. if everybody is wearing skirts I will wear pants! I love to stand out and not copying everysingle thing another girl is wearing! So one time I bought this amazing black cardigan and I said to myself.. this goes with everything...

Well guess what? It didn't and I've been wanting to wear it but I don't know with what! because of course I will not be naked underneath! lol.

And some other day I was trying on some new shoes in the store and suddenly saw a girl with a cute little dress with a gray cardigan! and I said.. that is PERFECT! So since I don't have many plain dresses I figured it out a great pencil skirt with a top would be the best! and it was! that's why I think now Cardigans are a must in Summer and Spring but also in Fall and Winter! Because you can wear it with great printed leggings or just one color ones... and you will look absolutely beautiful !

RafaellaOnline !