The Academy Awards 2011

So I decided to do something different since yesterday I didn't tweet about the looks! But I found stunning pictures! and I decided I will put the Golden Globe Awards picture and then the Oscar one... so we are all going to know in which event they looked their best! Here we come!
Jennifer Lawrence:
Golden Globes Awards 2011:

The Academy Awards 2011:

I have to say that at the first time I saw her on the red carpet in The Academy Awards, I was disspaointed I really didn't liek the dress, I mean is too simple for my taste, but I ahev to say the make up is so beautiful and the color of her hair is stunning with her skin color, tho I would have pull her hair up and making like a high bun or something like that.
Anne Hathaway:
Golden Globes Awards 2011:

The Academy Awards 2011:
Wow I have no words for this amazing dress, is simply stunning, she looks amazing and gorgeous and absolutely stunning, nothing to say I just loved the whole look! HIT for both Golden Globes look and Oscars!
Hailee Steinfield:
Golden Globes Awards 2011:

The Academy Awards 2011:
She is 14 or 15 I don't know but she is definetely being a little girl, I don't like the dress that she wore, I would have make it a little bit longer .. like most of the dresses are... but is her choice for me was MISS MISS!
Michelle Williams:
Golden Globes Awards 2011:

The Academy Awards 2011:

HIT 100%! and MORE!
Wow, Wow, Wow, what can I say!? She looks stunning, amazing I just looooooooooooooooved her dress, I mean look at the dress she wore at the Golden Globes and this one, there is no comparison and I mean there is NOT COMPARISON, she looks amazing, stunning! I loved how she pulled it off! The hair and make up looks just perfect on her loved the way she dressed!
Mila Kunis:
Golden Globes Awards 2011:

The Academy Awards 2011:

I love the style that she wore, the lavander color looks perfect on her skin, tho the hair is not so good for my opinion, I would have loved to see her with a pretty bun or her hair pulled back to see her entire face, but she looks flawless!
Natalie Portman:
Golden Globes Awards 2011:

The Academy Awards 2011:
I think the dress is absolutely pretty, she looks super cute just like a little girl specting a little baby, her body looks amazing, her figure is absolutely stunning, I mean almost every pregnant girl gets a little junk in the trunk! and I think that is totally fine cause that is part of being a soon-to-be mommy! But she looks flawless, the hair looks pretty! But the thing I would have done is the dress a little longer... but it is totally fine! I loooooooved it! definetely a HIT!