Work it out Bud!

I've been looking for workouts, since I hate to go to the gym or run in the treadmill, I think it is sooooooo boring! and one day I bought The PussyCat Dolls Workout DVD and is totally fab, becuase it doesn't make you  like do aerobics or run or anything like that you just dance super sexy for a whole hour!

And the days went through and I was kind of bored about the workout and decided to find new ones! and I did ! and I have this that today I will start it but I think is totally fun !!! it name is:

Dance with Julianne: Cardio Ballroom Dance Lesson. She is super fun, cute and best of all she is super nice! that's why I what to do this workout, she just makes me want to do it!

Her name is Julianne Hough and she have been 2 times winners of the amazing TV Programme Dancing With the Stars! she is a dancer and songstress! The best thing of this, is that you don't slim down in the way athletes do! you slim down in a super femenine way ! becuase your entire body is toned up ! Defintely try it guys!

You can buy it here at Amazon

Here is a Video for you to preview this amazing workout!

It was super cheap ! and def a must !


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