Welcome to the new site THESTYLESTASH.COM !

Well if you guys saw my tweets now you can understand which surprise I had for you and why I had to tell you the surprise before it was ok... Well I bought (finally) the domain so now I can post and post and post any entries as I want and I will have a beautiful URL! hahahah now, believe me, it sounds more professional ! :)

Well I have plenty of surprises that I am going to make in this blog and I am going to tell a few ones right now!
Now I am using a "bar" where you can click in it and go directly to Contact or Shop or anything else... My surprise is that I am going to add some buttons to that as:

-Beauty Tricks: Well the name speaks for itself!
-Nails Polish: Where I will post my fav Nail products and that stuff.
-Random Rafaella: I am going to update you guys about what's going with my life :)

And much more, but I have to say I will do this only just like once a week, and I mean once a week I will post my top polishes or nails something, once  week I will publish something about my life, once a week for the perfect beauty tricks!!! so You guys will excited to read the next one! :)

And that's pretty much it!!!

Your Trully,


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