Have you guys listened the new song of Katy Perry? Well if you havent you should it encourage us to be good, generous, good friends and no judging!
I had experiences with bullying an it is the worst feeling! Thats why i hate when i see bullies or other people i hate them soo bad, well i have been bulled? (idk how to spell it) but in the verbal way, so know i am strongger and i dont care about nothing!

Well getting to the point... Fireworks, yes it is the name of Katy Perry's song but also is the name of one of my fav colognes/perfume, Fireworks by Sexiest Fantasies, it is a black package and it has every single detail you can imagine, i love it because it gives me confidence and i can assure you it has a smell that last 24 hrs or maybe 20 ...

But the thing is that stays for a loooong tine, since christmas is around the corner this cologne/perfume is the best thing to give this xmas, and actually comes in a body lotion too!!!

So you definetely have to try it! I have to say, that all the aromes of the colognes/perfumes and body lotions are amazing but which i loved the most was Fireworks!

Lets be great people and live our lives! Lets stop bullies! And stop the violence if you guys want to support this cause wear something purple and you will know that you are supporting the Stop Bullying!!

Love&Glam and great people!
RafaellaOnline! Xo
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